Medical Laboratory Techniques 0312 305 1433/128
Audiometry 0312 305 1068
Audiometry 0312 305 4200
Dental Prosthesis Technology 0312 305 1433/130
Audiometry 0312 305 4200
Disinfection, Sterilization and Antisepsis/Deputy Director of the Higher School 0312 305 1433/125
Radiotherapy 0312 305 2882
Pharmacy Services 0312 305 1433/125
Medical Laboratory Techniques/Deputy Director of the Higher School 0312 305 1433/127
Dental Prosthesis Technology 0312 305 1433/149
Medical Documentation and Secretarial 0312 305 1433/122
Medical Documentation and Secretarial 0312 305 1433/119